
Daily Ways to Invite God In

I know I am supposed to invite God into my daily life. I even recognize that He deserves the spot of praise and adoration in my life. If you are like me, you know this on paper. You may have even tried to put this to practice in your life. However, also like me, you may have realized that something keeps getting in the way. What gets in the way? Me. Two letters, but a lot of pride encompasses those two letters. I’ve wondered why God wants so much from me. I’ve asked Him why He needs extra time in my day? He gently reminds me that I would have no hope without Him. He shows me how much He longs to bless me in my daily walk with Him. I’m learning that He longs so much more for me than from me. The more I give to Him, the more I am open to receive from Him.

Here are some practical, intentional ways I’ve learned I can invite God into my daily life:

-Notice God in nature.

God created the universe and everything in it. When I go outside on a beautiful day, I love to thank God for the beauty in the things I see. It’s a good way to slow down and acknowledge the splendor of what God has made. Job declares the work of God when he says,

But ask the beasts, and they will teach you;
The birds of the heavens, and they will tell you;
Or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you;
And the fish of the sea will declare to you.
Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In His hand is the life of everything and the breath of all mankind.
(Job 12:7-10 ESV)

This action of thanking God for the things I see reminds me of how small I am and how great and mighty God is. When I see the way God provides life to the plants and waters, I can acknowledge that He can breath life into my hurting situation.

-Pray before meals.

I grew up praying before meals. I am learning that praying before meals gets you into the habit of expressing gratitude for all God has provided. It is an outward declaration that God has provided for your needs. In the Bible, there are multiple examples when the disciples thanked God before they ate. There is a powerful example for giving thanks for everything in Acts 27. The context of the verse is Paul and 276 men have been on a ship for fourteen days, without food. After this many days, Paul tells the men to eat some food so they can survive. It says,

As day was about to dawn, Paul urged them all to take some food, saying, “Today is the fourteenth day that you have continued in suspense and without food, having taken nothing. Therefore I urge you to take some food. For it will give you strength, for not a hair is to perish from the head of any of you.” And when he said these things, he took bread, and giving thanks to God in the presence of all he broke it and began to eat.
(Acts 27: 33-35 ESV-my emphasis added)

As Paul did this act of thanksgiving, he not only expressed his own gratitude to God, but also reminded the others. The action of praying before meals, privately or publically, aligns our hearts to see that all good things come from God. 

-Post scriptures around your home.

When I get in the swing of my day, I can get so distracted by all my duties that I forget to reflect on God’s Word. Something that helps me with this is to post scriptures in places that I regularly come in contact with: bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, walls of home, etc. In order to continually reflect on God’s Word, we are instructed to “write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates” (Deuteronomy 6:9 ESV). I see these visual reminders and am reminded to align my attitude and mind with God.

-Have daily quiet time with God in the morning.

It is so critical to my daily focus on the Lord that I have a regular quiet time. Time of day is not so important. I think it’s more important that quiet time is made to be a priority, from a desire to spend time with Him.  I’ve found that if I begin my day in the Word and in communion with God, I feel better equipped to take on the challenges of the day. I feel like I am putting on the “armor of God” before going to fight the battle that the day may bring. I love the expectancy David has in his Psalm:
O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;
 in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch
(Psalm 5:3 ESV-my emphasis added)
By starting out my day in prayer and devotion, I am training my mind to consider God before making decisions. By ordering my day with Him first, I am making a declaration that He is the one who can bring order to my day.

-Talk to God during the day.

The idea of talking to God during my day used to feel so forced. I didn’t know how to naturally fit it into my day. I found a way to make this work is to turn off my music on the way to work and just pray. I love that quiet time I spend, just God and I, having a conversation.  When a struggle comes up in the day, I’m getting in the habit of going to God first before talking with a friend. This is still a work-in-progress, but it helps me acknowledge who can do something about my situation. One final way I talk to God during my day is to speak scriptures over myself during exercise. A few favorites I typically use are: Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 18:1-2, and 2 Timothy 1:7. The more you make talking to the Lord a habit, the less foreign and forced it will feel. While God knows everything, He longs to hear us come to Him.

-Reflect on your day.

I am naturally a reflective person, but reflection used to happen only when I thought of it. As I already started my day in communion with God, I decided to end it that way, also. The idea in my head was that God had supplied that day to me, so I should thank Him for it. I also think about what my sin struggles were during the day. I don’t do that so I can beat myself up. I consider my sin struggles so I can try to determine what part of my heart needs to be dealt with. Another thing that helps me is to think about what I’ve been learning about God. Sometimes, I will record it in a journal I have on my nightstand. Whatever reflection I do helps me end my day giving God the right place in my life.

When I get me out of the picture and give God the daily reverence that He deserves, my heart becomes more full. There is less room in my heart for me to fill with empty actions when I choose to fill my life with expressions of devotion. If you are like me, there are always areas of improvement in daily devotion to God. God can always be made more of a priority in our lives. I hope these ideas of ways to invite God into your life are helpful to you. The more we seek Him and devote time and space to him, the more we will find Him.


  1. This is such a good reminder!! I feel like we always think that God is going to just work his way into our life but really we have to be intentional about inviting him in. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love these ideas! I wrote a similar post a few weeks ago called "Seven Small Ways to Include God in Your Everyday Life". It is SO important to keep Him in mind as we move through our busy lives. Thank you so much for sharing your thought!

    1. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed reading your post about this topic. It looks like we have some overlap in ideas:)

  3. These are great tips and reminders to remain intentional with bringing God into our daily life and activities. Thank you!


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